Unique professions, by the name itself, are some jobs that are different from the regular ones. Almost everyone knows about the professions such as teacher, writer, CA, doctor, shopkeeper, plumber, caterer, chef- and the list goes on. But there are some seamlessly mind blowing opportunities that are still unknown. Many times, it could happen that you want to jump into something new, but become clueless when it comes to action. Hence, here is a list of some unique professions that would definitely blow your mind with the mere thought of their existence.
Unique Professions That Everyone Should Know About
Here is a list of 25 top unique professions that one must surely give a try.
1. Pearl Diver
By the name itself, it is clear that it is related to ‘someone who dives into the sea or ocean in order to get pearls or precious stones’. For this, you need a scuba certification along with an expertise in swimming. Undoubtedly, it is one the interesting and unique professions that one could have ever thought of.
2. Horticulturist
There’s nothing more beautiful than being close to Mother Nature. Here, one has to take care of plants and get indulged in their proper cultivation. Someone who has interest in botany can definitely go for this job.
3. Cork Harvester
Cork is one of the most used materials all around the world. And someone who takes care of its growth and proper manufacturing is itself involved in one of the the unique professions of the world.
4. Concierge
Holding an important position in the hospitality sector, a concierge is someone who gives detailed information about the particular place to its tourists. The best hotels, cafes, tourist spots, favorite food places, etc. Are something that a concierge should have knowledge about.
5. Glaciologist
Are you someone whose ice has always been an interesting subject ? If so, then this job might be perfect for you. A glaciologist has a complete knowledge about geology and the properties of ice and glaciers. Mining companies and other industries are always in need of these experts who can help them in this.
6. Park Ranger
Are you someone who loves nature and wants to protect it at all costs ? If so, then this job is for you. A park ranger usually works at national parks, wildlife sanctuaries or biosphere reserves. They take care of the flora and fauna of that region.
7. Olive Oil Regulator
There are many countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and many other parts of Europe that give prime importance to olive oil and its appropriate quality. Hence, these people take care of the quality checks of the oil and also their proper documentation along with all the necessary labels.
8. Cake Decorator
The forte for cake decoration has rapidly taken a toll in the present generation. It is an interesting and beautiful occupation for someone who not only has an interest in baking, but also wants to show their artistic creativity.
9. Ski Instructor
By the name itself, it is evident who a ski instructor is. They teach young children / students on how to ski properly. In addition to that, they also teach them basic tips and tricks for a smooth and safe skiing experience.
10. Bike Fisherman
By reading the name, you must be wondering how one can fish a bike ? And is this really possible ? Well, you are absolutely correct. There are many places where bikes are stolen or lost due to some mishaps. During this time, these people find the bikes and if it’s in bad condition, then they give it to the recycling process.
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11. People Pusher
A weird yet interesting profession is becoming a people pusher. They are the people who usually push people into public transportation. Not only this, but they also push them where crowding needs to be avoided.
12. Online Dating Ghostwriter
A ghostwriter is someone who writes a certain piece of text anonymously. And doing that on online dating sites is called an online dating ghostwriting. This includes writing interesting and mysterious profiles for the users.
13. Island Caretaker
An island caretaker is indeed one of the weirdest and surprising jobs to mankind. As the name suggests, one becomes in incharge of a particular island. They have to look after its maintenance, and other facilities related to it.
14. Flavorist
One of the amazing and demanding professions in the market, a flavorist is someone who prepares different flavors according to the combination of elements present in any food compound. In short, they deal with different flavors.
15. Periodontist
If you might be thinking that the medical field doesn’t have any sort of interesting and unique occupation, then here is one for you. You can go for becoming a periodontist, who is someone that cures the gums and the teeth supporting bones. In simple words, they are dentists with specialization in particular organs.
16. Color Expert
A color expert is someone who has a profound knowledge about colors and their various types of combinations. He / She takes care of the colors of buildings, clothes, logos and other such places.
17. Marijuana Extractor
After reading the name, you may wonder that they might be dealing with a dangerous case, as marijuana is restricted in some parts of the world. Well, this is not the case. The extractor has to extract oils from Cannabis and hemp seeds, which are very helpful to a lot of people in the long run.
18. Hippotherapist
No, he is not someone who provides therapy to hippos if you are thinking that way then ! Instead, they provide therapies with horse riding. Additionally, they have a good knowledge of horses and various therapy options for patients.
19. Antique Appraiser
A luxurious job in its name, an antique appraiser has the job of selecting which antique pieces are real or artificial. In simple words, there are many pieces being sold in the market in the name of vintage items. The task of the antique appraiser is to tell if it’s real or a doppelganger.
20. Body Painter
Body painter is one of those unique professions that you would have never thought of. In this, a painter paints your body according to the occasion using non allergic, soft and eco friendly colors. For example, if someone is going for a fancy dress competition, then they can definitely go to a painter to get their task done.
21. Feng Shui Consultant
Basically, Feng Shui Consultants deal with making your life better spiritually. They understand your life cycle, read your stars and work on it. Also, they help elevate your condition using psychological upliftment.
22. Fragrance Chemist
Being on the list of unique professions, it completely justifies the title. A fragrance chemist is someone who gets appointed for testing the different types of odors. Moreover, these experts suggest which odor should go with which another one so as to create a nice and pleasing combination.
23. Sommelier
Do wines or other related drinks fascinate you ? If so, you can definitely try your luck here. Commonly known as wine steward, they have a statistical knowledge of wines and other drinks. They have expertise in wine and its pairing with other foodstuffs as well.
24. Smoke Jumper
If you are someone whom adventures attract, then you can go for becoming a smokejumper. They are the people who are specialized in wildlife fires. Now, you might ask what is the difference between a smoke jumper and a firefighter. The only difference is that firefighters can go anywhere to cut off the fire, but smoke jumpers are just for wildlife fire accidents.
25. Cruise Ship Entertainer
Last but not least in the list of unique professions is a cruise ship entertainer. If you are someone who has a keen interest in singing, dancing, communicating or doing standup comedy, then probably this is the perfect job for you. Not gonna lie, but the person engaged in this earns a hefty amount.