More than half of December has gone and now we are heading towards the end of it. This marks the beginning of a new year, 2022. And this is the creme moment when we all are hustling from work, busily making plans for the upcoming year. In simple words, we are preparing our New Year Resolutions. And we all plan our resolutions based on our strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and priorities.
New Year And Its Importance
New year marks the beginning of another year. It brings hope, joy and lots of power and determination in our minds. This time of the year is of prime importance because it always comes once in a year. Furthermore, it is also believed that whatever tasks that you perform on this day, you are bound to do that for the rest of the year. Hence, it is important that we make plans properly and prioritize the things that matter the most in our life. Subsequently, we can give them proper time, which is the basic purpose of New Year Resolutions.
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What Are New Year Resolutions ?
New Year Resolutions is the list of things that we are going to perform from the very first day of the year. This list usually consists of the tasks that we always wanted to do, but we could not achieve that because of lack of time, information or any other reasons. Thus, if you are someone who has wanted to do something for a very long time, then this is the right time. And if you are clueless about what to add into your New Year Resolutions list, then we are here to help you. Therefore, here is a list of some common resolutions that you can inculcate into your life to make it interesting and meaningful. Trust me, you aren’t going to regret this.
Top New Year Resolutions

There are plenty of new year resolutions that you can include into your list apart from these plans mentioned below. These are some of the universal resolutions that could help you. We hope that you find your required resolution and try to indulge into it to make the best use of this New year. So, let’s get started.
- I will wake up every day at 6am.
- I will create a journal of the things to be done on that particular day, beforehand.
- I will not procrastinate and complete my tasks before the deadline.
- I will start exercising everyday for a minimum of 20 minutes.
- I will read a book for about 20 minutes daily. And then I will increase the time gradually.
- I will eat healthy, homemade food and would invest in nutritious food items.
- I will eat junk food no more than two times a week.
- I will try to spend more time with my family, friends and beloved ones.
- I will try to enjoy every moment of my life with a sense of hopefulness and gratitude.
- I will have my meals on time, no delay while having them.
- I will focus on my career and figure out interesting spots so that I can work on them.
- I will be less complaining towards life and more blessed for having it.
- I will be happy with what I have while working for what I want.
- I will try to avoid something that would harm me / harm me in the long run.
- If I am not feeling well physically, mentally or emotionally, then I will give myself proper time and work for my betterment.
- I will stay away from negative people and wouldn’t think of them.
- I will surround myself with positive people, the ones who motivate me and encourage me further in my life.
- I will say NO to something that I don’t feel like doing.
- I will use less social media websites and focus more on my growth.
- I will make sure that I decrease my screen time.
- I will take proper care of my body and my mental state.
- I will stop being a people pleaser and will do what is actually right.
- I will never demean or demotivate myself due to any possible reason.
- I will try to give my best in whatever field I step into.
- I will respect myself and never insult myself.
- I will accept my mistakes and will learn the lessons from them so that I won’t repeat them further.
- I will try to meditate for about 10 minutes daily.
- I will aim for a peaceful, calming and simple life, rather than indulging into any sort of complexity.
- I will improve my sleep cycle and will get sound sleep every night.
- I will make sure that I get 7-8 hours of proper, uninterrupted sleep every single night.
- I will communicate with new people and join new clubs so that it would improve my conversational skills.
- I will join Zumba / Karate / any other field of your choice and will attend it everyday.
- I will rearrange my messy closet and make it neat and tidy.
- I will drink plenty of water according to my weight.
- I will not overeat. And I will make sure to eat mindfully.
- I will stay away from toxic people and won’t let their toxicity affect me.
- I will do my own laundry once a week (probably on the weekends).
- I will walk for about 6-7 kilometers a day.
- I will treat others with love and respect.
- I will invite the divinity within me to come up and enlighten my life.
- I will always wear neat and clean clothes.
- I will bathe everyday, probably in the morning.
- I will pray everyday for a better and enjoyable tomorrow.
- I will try a new dish every week and will try to make it on my own.
- I will save a small portion of my salary every month.
- I will try to appreciate more people for what they do in life.
- I will include more fruits and veggies into my diet plan.
- I will keep a check on where I am spending and will try to cut off unnecessary expenses.
- I will use the stairs more. But when it’s an emergency, I will go for the lift.
- I will travel to a new place.
- I will indulge into drinking less alcohol and switching to other refreshing beverages.